INTERVIEW Stefan Vuza, Chimcomplex: “We are preparing the launch of a new disinfectant product for mass market needs”

Chimcomplex Borzesti (CHOB), the Romanian chemical complex controlled by local businessman Stefan Vuza is preparing the launch of a new disinfectant product to serve mass market needs.
“On medium term we plan to invest in an isopropyl alcohol installation that we have in conservation. It is the only one in Romania and will cover the local market demand,” Stefan Vuza told the Diplomat-Bucharest. “The beginning of the year started with a major crisis in the European chemical industry lowering all prices, and the situation worsened with the emergence of the generalized economic crisis caused by the coronavirus.”
Vuza explained that the coronavirus crisis is a story with an unclear ending: “We need to act immediately to address business challenges and risks and help mitigate the outbreak in whatever ways we can.”
Chimcomplex has developed a plan for the business to get back to normal as soon as possible. “We have activated no-travel and work-from-home policies for some workers and physical-distancing-at-work measures for others,” Vuza said. “We have received a license from the Health Ministry to produce a less concentrated sodium hypochlorite, recommended by WHO for surface disinfection. We modified our industrial production lines during the last weeks, in order to prioritize the production of sodium hypochlorite, this being a necessary product for public health in the context of the pandemic.”
According to Stefan Vuza, Romania has the material, human and information resources for a developed chemical industry that will cover the needs of the economy and could be an active player in the international chemical industry.
“Chimcomplex ensures the horizontal functionality of other strategic industries: salt extraction – consuming 70% of the national production of the National Salt Region, electricity – being the 5th largest national consumer, the food industry – the main supplier of domestic chemical raw materials, transport rail, detergents, metallurgy, etc. The company is the largest private exporter with domestic capital in Romania and ensures the salaries of more than 15,500 employees vertically and horizontally,” Vuza concluded.