Electrica published its Sustainability Report for 2019: contributions of over one billion RON to state and local budgets

Electrica Group has published its fourth Sustainability Report, related to the activity in 2019, strengthening its commitment to the community, investors and the local market. Last year, Electrica has paid contributions amounting to over one billion RON to state and local budgets.
“We are pleased to make available to stakeholders, for the fourth year in a row, the Group’s Sustainability Report, which transparently shows the impact of our company on the economy, the environment and society. And because sustainability is the core principle of our business model, we have focused our efforts on having an active involvement in the lives of communities where, in addition to excellence in business and accountability to our 3.8 million users. we carry out our activity and we like to believe that we are an integral part,” said Corina Popescu, General Manager of Electrica.
The Electrica Group launched in 2019 a new strategy adapted to the changes and new paradigms of the energy market and which places sustainability at the center of the business concept. Last year, Electrica made investments worth 3 million RON in the field of biodiversity protection and 11.68 million RON in the field of environmental protection.
During 2019, the Group continued to be actively involved in the community and financially supported social causes through prestigious non-governmental organizations in Romania. Electrica has invested, in total, over 540,000 Euro through social responsibility programs, almost twice as much as in the previous year.
The Electrica Group is a leader in the top of the main employers in the energy field, with a team of 8,300 employees, their number increasing by 4% compared to 2018.
The group has also made significant progress in reducing energy consumption by modernizing managed facilities, promoting smart grids and energy-efficient solutions, and encouraging the production of energy from renewable sources.