Romania’s film industry to receive another 150 million euros for next three years
Romania’s film industry receives another 150 million euros for the next three years, bringing the maximum budget of the state-aid scheme to 1.2 billion RON, the equivalent of about 250 million euros, the Ministry of the Economy, Energy and Business Environment (MEEMA) announced on Thursday.
The Romanian government passed on Wednesday a decision amending and supplementing Government Decision 421/2018 for the establishment of a state-aid scheme to support the film industry, extending it until the end of 2023.
The grants will amount to 35% of the total eligible expenses. These refer to the acquisition, rental, manufacture of goods and/or services related to the development of film projects and film production in Romania, as well as to the fees, salaries and other pay to individuals related to the implementation of the project. At least 20% of the total budget of the project should be conducted in Romania.
According to MEEMA, another objective of this state-aid scheme is to promote Romania as a tourist destination. Thus, a percentage of 10% will be granted in addition to the 35% grant if the audiovisual productions funded as the same cinematographic production highlights a geographical area, a city or Romania, tourist attractions or the Romanian language, or the country’s traditions and customs.
Via Agerpres