“Being a company that works with international clients it was an easy transition to work from home. Now we have to find ways to keep this innovation going. You have to focus more on productivity instead of counting hours and […]
“Being a company that works with international clients it was an easy transition to work from home. Now we have to find ways to keep this innovation going. You have to focus more on productivity instead of counting hours and […]
“The transition from the office to the remote work environment in terms of communication has been unexpectedly smooth. Somehow it went in a natural way. Teleworking equals trust-based working. These days is all about trust. We have to empower people […]
“The work from home really made ask us more deeper questions like what is the meaning of our work, how are we adding value. The communication was one of the greatest challenges in the latest times. For us it was […]
“If people are empowered and are working independent and are communicating well with each other, then obviously things are going well irrespective if someone is looking or not looking. Trust is not symbolizing only evidence, trust is also symbolizing the […]
The WEC Central & Eastern Europe Energy Forum, organized every two years, is the most important regional event and exhibition hosted by the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (WEC/RNC). Since 2011, FOREN is recognized as the WEC’ […]
On 15th of July, Societe Generale European Business Services was present at the Business Shared Service Forum & Awards Gala 2020 organized by Outsourcing Today. It was the sixth edition of the Awards Gala, an elite event and a platform […]
The Diplomat-Bucharest organized on Thursday, July 23, the nineth edition The Energy CEO Forum & Awards Gala, at Athenee Palace Hilton. The event, held in Romanian Language was streamed LIVE on official webpage www.thediplomat.ro and social media channels Fb The […]
“We can always see a crisis in a different way. I always ask clients whether they see the crisis glass half full or half empty. It depends on the approach of companies,” Iulian Sorescu, Partner, Noerr said during the “Automotive […]
Wipro focuses its CSR efforts in three main directions: education, environment and health, according to Teodora Todoran, L&D and Talent Transformation | Europe, Wipro Limited. “Sustainability means being a good citizen, and Wipro is trying to be a good company,” […]
Telekom has offered customers business continuity packages during pandemic restrictions, according to Florina Serban, Corporate Responsibility Expert, Telekom Romania. “At the same time, we supported the students to continue their studies during this period when the schools were closed,” she […]