“One of the most important goals of a company is to provide customers with a high level of service. Lately, and since the technology is mature enough, companies would like to further push the self-service of their customers. This is […]
“One of the most important goals of a company is to provide customers with a high level of service. Lately, and since the technology is mature enough, companies would like to further push the self-service of their customers. This is […]
“AIoT is a game changer for Bosch. It stands for the combination of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the IoT (Internet of Things), and it means that all our products will be connected. By 2025, every Bosch product will either be […]
This year, Romanian tourism had an atypical evolution, but recorded a significant economic growth, if we refer to the volume of expenses made in the last two summer months. Global Payments, the largest provider of payment services and technology in […]
The Romanian cinematographic market has started the recovery from the declines faced during the pandemic but is still far from the figures recorded between 2016 and 2019. The high demand for movies after a long period of restrictions is likely […]
Self-employed programmers in Romania can earn up to 10,000 USD per month, much more than employed IT professionals, according to Lemon.io, a Ukrainian start-up that works as a job marketplace for vetted programmers, who has created a payment calculator that […]
“Regarding the articles in the mass media from the last period, with erroneous information, likely to misinform the public opinion with the obvious purpose of denigrating the image of the Tinmar Energy company, including resorting to interference in the private […]
E.ON Romania has launched its 2021 Sustainability Report (https://tinyurl.com/53d76yy5), a non-financial report reflecting the sustainability performances attained through its economic, environmental and social achievements, as well as its sustainable objectives and commitments relevant to the company’s business area. In an […]
“Like most companies in Romania, GreenGroup is currently experiencing difficulties in securing the labour force, being on the verge of importing labour from Asia. At the same time, the ever-increasing prices for electricity and gas affect us, but especially the […]
“In the international economic and financial environment, are still strong the echoes of the latest discussions between the representatives of the main central banks of the developed countries, at the yearly event hosted by the US Federal Reserve in Jackson […]
The Romanian Energy Center Association, through its members, the main companies in the energy production, transport and distribution sectors, energy services, expresses its concern regarding the effects that the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 27/2022 regarding the measures applicable to final […]