Swedish company OX2 has closed an agreement to sell a 99.2 MW onshore wind project in Romania to Nala Renewables, a joint venture between IFM Investors and Trafigura. The agreement includes construction of the wind farm and the contract value […]
Swedish company OX2 has closed an agreement to sell a 99.2 MW onshore wind project in Romania to Nala Renewables, a joint venture between IFM Investors and Trafigura. The agreement includes construction of the wind farm and the contract value […]
iO Partners has successfully provided development management services for a 126MW solar farm in Văcărești, Dâmbovița County. The high-capacity project has started being developed for the local investors in 2021 and was recently acquired by the renewable energy company DRI, […]
Romgaz’s total hydrocarbon production was 16.12 million boe, in the first half of the year, up by 4.6 percent, according to a report submitted to the Bucharest Stock Exchange, with preliminary information on the important operational indicators of the Romgaz […]
Rețele Electrice companies are organizing a tender through the public platform SEAP for the acquisition of smart meters for three-phase connections, with a maximum value of 4.6 million euros, to continue the digitalization of distribution networks, increase resilience and operational […]
The Ministry of Energy and the companies Rețele Electrice Muntenia, Rețele Electrice Banat and Rețele Electrice Dobrogea (part of the PPC Group in Romania) have signed three new non-reimbursable financing contracts through the Modernization Fund, for projects targeting the electricity […]
Distribuție Energie Electrică Romania – DEER signed five new financing contracts through the Modernization Fund, with a total value of almost 1 billion RON. These new non-refundable financing contracts will support the realization, at an accelerated pace, of some necessary […]
Transgaz, the technical operator of the National Gas Transmission System, signed a syndicated loan contract for a total amount of 1.93 billion RON to ensure the financing of investment projects included in the National Gas Transmission System Development Plan. UniCredit […]
“We have plans to develop wind projects in the north of Moldova. Our strategy focuses on wind, but we also do hybridization. For example, at our park in Casimcea (Tulcea) we have the 226 MW of wind power and today […]
Distribution company Delgaz Grid, part of the E.ON group in Romania, signed four new financing contracts, totaling approximately 932 million RON, for projects to modernize and develop the distribution system of electricity in the Moldova area where the company operates […]
Electrica and EsyaSoft Holding Ltd. of Dubai, UAE, part of the International Holding Company (IHC) Group, will set up a joint-stock company that will have as its object of activity the production and operation of advanced technologies in the field […]