Embassy of the Czech Republic in Romania
Ambasada Republicii Cehe in Romania
Chancellory: Bucuresti, Str.Ion Ghica nr.11, Sector 3
Tel: (0040-21) 303.92.30;
Fax: (0040-21) 312.25.39
Working hours: Mon - Fri 8.00-16.30
Consular section: Str. Ion Ghica nr.11, Sector 3
Tel: (0040-21) 313.11.40, 303.92.32
Working hours for the public and Visa: Mon, Wed and Fri: 8.30-11.30
Office of the defence attache: Str. Ion Ghica nr.11
Tel/Fax: (0040-21)312.02.65
Czech Cultural Centre: Str. Ion Ghica nr.11, Sector 3
Tel/Fax: (0040-1) 312.25.37
Tel.: (0040-21) 303.92.30
Ambasador: H.E Mr. Radek Pech
Commercial attache: Karel Zdenovec