Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Austria at Timisoara Phone: +40 256 294300 Address: Timisoara, Str. Marasesti, nr.7, ap.2 E-mail: consaustria@mail.dnttm.ro Honorary consul: Mr.Vasile Onofrei |
Honorary Consulate of the State of Belize in Bucharest Phone: +40 21 231.89.09 Address: 71 401 Bucharest, Calea Floreasca nr.26, Sector 1 E-mail: transion@mb.roknet.ro Honorary consul: Mr. Ioan Curtean de HONDOL |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Cyprus in Bucharest Address: Calea Floreasca, nr.159, Bucuresti, Sector 1 Phone: +40 21 231.86.16; 231.86.17 Fax: +40 21 231.50.68 E-mail: Kypros@iren.ro Honorary Consul: Mr. Loizos A. Karageoges |
Honorary Consulate for the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to Romania |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Finland in Bucharest Address: Str. Ion Mihalache nr.11, Sector 1, Bucuresti Phone: +40 21 312.01.91 Fax: +40 21 312.02.49 E-mail: fin.cons@fincons.ro; sindan@sindan.com Honorary consul: Mr. Dan Florin Stoicescu |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Finland in Constanta Address: Str. Olteniei nr.32 B, Constanta Phone /Fax: +40 241.617.521 Working hours: Monday-Friday: 8.00-16.00 Honorary Consul: Mr. Constantin Suteu |
Honorary Consulate of the French Republic in Brasov Address: Brasov, Str. Lunga nr.148 Phone: +40 268 47.67.67 Honorary Consul: Mr. Roger Lapis |
Honorary Consulate of the French Republic in Constanta Address: Constanta, Bd. Ferdinand Nr.78 Phone/Fax.: +40 241 584945 Honorary Consul: Mr. Jean-Marie Decaux |
Honorary Consulate of the French Republic in Craiova Address: Craiova, Calea Bucuresti, Bl. R4, ap. 22 Phone: +40 Honorary consul: Mr. Etienne Rougier |
Honorary Consulate of the United Kingdon of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Constanta Address: 8700 Constanta, B-dul Tomis nr. 143A Phone: +40 241 63.82.82; 63.82.83; 63.82.84 Fax: +40 241 63.82.85 Honorary Consul: Mr. Christopher John SHERFIELD |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Guinea in Arad Address: 2900 Arad, B-dul Revoluþiei nr.74, et.3 Phone/Fax:.+40 257-255.551 Working hours: Monday-Friday: 10.00-15.00 Honorary Consul: Mr. Gheorghe MEDINÞU |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Guinea in Bucharest Address: 050 034 Bucuresti, Str. Domnita Anastasia nr.15, et,6, ap.17 Phone: +40 722.604.192; +40 723.415.081 Working hours: Monday-Friday: 10.00-15.00 Honorary consul: Mr. Tudor IULIAN |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Hungary in Constanta |
Honorary Consulate - Ireland in Bucharest Address: 02 121 Bucuresti, Str. Vasile Lascar nr.42-44, et.2, Sector 2 Phone: +40 21 212.21.81 Fax: +40 21 211.43.84 Working hours: Monday-Friday: 10.00-12.00; 14.00-16.00 Honorary Consul: Mr. Barry MULLIGAN |
Honorary Viceconsulate of the Italian Republic at Cluj-Napoca Chancery: 3400, Cluj-Napoca, Str. Str. Anatole France nr.1 Phone: +40 264 44 15 06 Fax: +40 264 44 1 5107 Working hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-11.00 Honorary Viceconsul: Mr. Radu PASLARU |
Honorary Viceconsulate of the Italian Republic at Constanta Address: 8700 Constanta, B-dul Mamaia nr.42 Phone: +40 722/256.553 Honorary Vice-Consul: Mr. Adrian BAVARU |
Honorary Viceconsulate of the Italian Republic at Craiova |
Honorary Viceconsulate of the Italian Republic at Piatra Neamt Chancery: 5600 Piatra-Neamt, Petru Rares, bl. 2A, ap. 51 Phone: +40 233 23.60.08 Honorary Viceconsul: Mr. Luigi BODO |
Honorary Consulate of the Hashemite Kingdon of Jordan in Brasov Address: 2200 Brasov, Timiºul de Jos, Vila nr.7 Phone/Fax: +40 268 339 912 Working hours: Monday-Friday: 10.00-15.00 Honorary Consul: Mr. Raed DAHABREH |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Bucharest Address: 010944 Bucureºti, Str. Barierei nr.2, Sector 1 Phone: +40.21 212.65.86; 212.65.87 Fax: +40 21 212.65.88 Honorary Consul: Mr. Nicolae PETRIªOR |
Honorary Consulate of the Lebanese Republic in Constanta |
Honorary Consulate of Luxembourg in Bucharest Address: Str. Dr. Raureanu nr. 4, Sector 5, 70 621 Bucuresti Phone: +40 21 222.28.87 315.75.29 Fax: +40 21315.75.31 E-mail: avocatferariu@euroweb.ro Honorary Consul: Mr. Mihai FERARIU |
Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar in Bucharest Address: Calea 13 Septembrie 112, bl.52-54, sc.C, ap.62, Sector 5, Bucuresti Phone: +40 21 781.62.18; Fax: +40 21 411.10.56 Working hours: monday-friday: 9.00-13.00 Honorary Consul: Mr. Serge RAMEAU |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Malta in Bucharest Address: 701 081 Bucuresti, Bd. Regina Maria nr.1, bl. P5B, sc.1, et. 8, ap. 24, Sector 4 Phone: +40 722.560.743 E-mail: capitol@kappa.ro Working hours: Tuesday 12.00-14.00, Wednesday: 10.00-12.00; Friday: 15.00-17.00 Honorary Consul: Mr. Daniel Valentin BRÂNZAN |
Honorary Consulate of Mongolia in Bucharest |
Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Norway in Constanta Cancelaria: Incintã Port Constanþa, Dana 15, clãdirea Romtrans, Constanþa Phone: +40 241 76.37.37 Fax: +40 241 67.35.35 Honorary Consul: Mr Laurenþiu Adrian LAZÃR |
Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Netherlands at Timisoara Address: Timisoara, Str. prof. George Popovici nr.8A Phone/Fax: +40 256 49 69 94 Honorary consul: Mr. Marius Popa |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Panama in Bucharest Address: Calea Victoriei No.224, Bl. D5, Sc.1, Etj.4, Ap.15, Sector 1, Bucuresti PO BOX: C.P. 12-214 Phone/Fax: +40 21 312.32.67 Email::conspan_ro@yahoo.es Honorary Consul: Mr. Dr. Gaspar Guardia Gonzales |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Peru in Bucharest |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Senegal in Bucharest Chancery: 030 508 Bucuresti, Str.Lucretiu Patrascanu nr.14, bl. MY3, Sector 3 Phone: +40 21 255.23.51 Fax: +40 21 225.26.38 Honorary Consul: Mr. Alexandru Antonio BABIN |
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Seychelles in Bucharest Honorary Consul: Mr. H. N. Yaman |
Honorary Consulate of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in Bucharest Address: 704 111 Bucuresti, Str. Semicercului nr.1, et.3, Sector 1 Phone/Fax: +40 21 212.53.62 Working hours: Monday-Friday: 10.00-12.00 Honorary consul: Mr. Octavian ANDRONIC |
If any changes happen in terms of address or personnel, The Diplomat – Bucharest would like to know, so that our information can be as accurate as possible. Email: editor@thediplomat.ro