
Embassy of Serbia in Romania
Ambasada Serbiei si Muntenegru in Romania

Chancellory: 711 325 Bucuresti, Calea Dorobantilor nr.34 Sector 1,
Tel: (0040-21) 211.98.71; 211.98.72; 211.98.73;
210.03.59 (protocol) 
Fax: (0040-21) 210.01.75
E-mail: ambiug@ines.ro
Ecomonic section: Tel: (0040-21) 211.98.71
Consular section: Tel: (0040-21) 211.49.80
Office of the defence attache: Telefon: (0040-21) 210.15.21 Fax: 211.57.86
Mon - Fri: 8.00-15.30
Visa programme: Mon - Fri: 10.00-12.00
Ambassador: H.E Mr. Dusan Crnogorcevic
Commercial counsellor: Zoran Popovici 
Visa secretary: Mirjana Milenkovic