Embassy of the Confederation of Swizerland in Romania
Ambasada Confederatiei Elvetiene in Romania
Chancellory: Str. Grigore Alexandrescu, Nr. 16-20
Tel: (0040-21) 206.16.00
Fax: (0040-21) 206.16.20
E-mail: vertretung@buc.rep.admin.ch
Website: http://www.eda.admin.ch/bucharest_emb/g/home.html
Working hours: Mon - Thurs 8.15-12.15; 13.15-17.00
(Friday until 16.15)
Visa section: Mon - Fri 8.30-11.00
Office of the military attache: H-1143 Budapest, Str. Stefania nr. 107, Budapest, Hungary
Tel: (0036-1) 343.94.91
Tel/Fax: (0036-1)343.94.92
E-mail: vertretung@buc.rep.admin.ch
Bureau of the Coordination of Financial, Technical and Humanitarian activities
Biroul de Coordonare a Activitatii Financiare, Tehnice si a Ajutorului Umanitar
16-20, Grigore Alexandrescu Str., Century Building, 5th floor, RO-010626, Bucharest 1
Tel: +40 21 206 16 50
Fax:+40 21 206 16 60
E-mail: bucharest@sdc.net
Working hours: Mon - Fri: 8.30-13.00; 14.00-17.30
Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Jean-Claude Richard
Press secretary: Luminita Ghildus