Embassy of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Romania
Ambasada Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii si Irlandei de Nord in Romania
Chancellory: Bucuresti, Str.Jules Michelet 24
Tel: (0040-21) 201.72.00
Fax Chancellory: (0040-21) 201.72.99
Consular section:
Tel: (0040-21) 201.73.00
Fax: (0040-21) 201.73.17
Website: http://www.britishembassy.gov.uk/romania
E-mail: Press@bucharest.mail.fco.gov.uk
Working hours: Mon - Thurs 8.30-13.00; 14.00-17.00, Fri 8.30-13.30
Ambassador: H.E Mr. Quinton Mark Quayle
Trade development and First Secretary: Andy Garth
Military attache: Colonel Anthony Beattie
Press secretary: Alex Brown